Efficient way to troubleshoot on any systems
There's no greater frustation of trying to troubleshoot on a system for many hours (or days) while the solution was under our nose for all the time.
First view of Elastic Stack
Elastic stack starter kit
Easy cache your applications in Kubernetes
> There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and
naming things.
- Phil Karlton
Kubernetes Best Practices
Table of contents
0. Intro
1. Before to start
1.1 12 Factor
1.2 Lint your manifests
Single-Node Patterns in distributed systems
Single-Node Patterns in distributed systems
Carrefour blockchain vs Coopchain
Durante lo sviluppo di un progetto basato su blockchain, ho esplorato due
aziende che attualmente sono le uniche (penso), in
How to install docker CE on RHEL 7 [TESTED]
sudo yum install -y yum-utils \
device-mapper-persistent-data \
sudo yum-config-manager \
--add-repo \
sudo yum
Your first view of Kubernetes
I drew this schema over a flight during my hooliday return. Considering the fly
hours (8+) i read Managing
Easy CI for a node server on HEROKU
Easy CI for a node server on HEROKU
From monolithic to Kubernetes
The aim of this mini guide is to focus on shipping your ideas and making your users happy.
Kubernates is the key.