Automatically pull new DigitalOcean container registry (DOCR) latest tags from Kubernetes
Automatically pull new DigitalOcean container registry (DOCR) latest tags from Kubernetes
Automatically pull new AWS ECR latest tags from AWS EKS
How to automatically pull latest tag image on Elastic Container Registry (ECR) from Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) on AWS and automatically restart pods.
Urunner - a Kubernetes open source project
URunner is a Kubernetes utility in order to auto restart pods on image digest change even if the tag remain the same.
From Kubernetes ingress controller to Istio through Gateway API (a very loooong journey)
A very long journey with personal thoughts about applications networking
How to pass CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer)
All CKAD tips you need to pass the CKAD exam as smoothly as possible based on my experience.
How Kubernetes affinity works
NodeAffinity, Pod Affinity, Taint/Toleration DEMYSTIFIED
Easy cache your applications in Kubernetes
> There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and
naming things.
- Phil Karlton
Kubernetes Best Practices
Table of contents
0. Intro
1. Before to start
1.1 12 Factor
1.2 Lint your manifests
Single-Node Patterns in distributed systems
Single-Node Patterns in distributed systems
Your first view of Kubernetes
I drew this schema over a flight during my hooliday return. Considering the fly
hours (8+) i read Managing