Your first view of Kubernetes
I drew this schema over a flight during my hooliday return. Considering the fly
hours (8+) i read Managing
Easy CI for a node server on HEROKU
Easy CI for a node server on HEROKU
From monolithic to Kubernetes
The aim of this mini guide is to focus on shipping your ideas and making your users happy.
Kubernates is the key.
[linux] Scrape entire website with a single line command
I've tried many online tools in order to scrape an entire website but none of
them allow me
Use apt behind proxy server on Ubuntu 18.04
How to Set the Proxy for APT on Ubuntu 18.04
NVM (curl) behind corporate proxy server
Considering that NVM use curl, the problem is the same executing curl behind a
corporate proxy server.
curl proxy
Netdata | what a FREE tool! [DEMO]
Monitor your containers with netdata
Fix "Attribute is also present.." on Ionic camera preview plugin
Attribute value=(26.1.0) from
[] AndroidManifest.