1 min read

Workaround for cordova_not_available

Workaround for cordova_not_available

Development Environment

OS: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS

Ionic info:

While developing in Ionic3 with native plugins is gold using --livereload to directly develop in real devices.

With my development environment, running an app that use native plugins on Android device, i receive `cordova_not_available` error.


Inside that file node_modules @ionic/app-scripts/dist/dev-server/serve-config.js

change from

exports.ANDROID_PLATFORM_PATH = path.join('platforms', 'android', 'assets', 'www');


exports.ANDROID_PLATFORM_PATH = path.join('platforms', 'android', 'app', 'src', 'main', 'assets', 'www');

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