Set SASS the default style format on Angular/Ionic
Angular 6+
ng config defaults.styleExts sass
Ionic 4+
ionic config set defaults.styleExts sass
Execute "COPY .. FROM stdin" in postgres database
psql -h HOST -p PORT -f import.sql -U USER -d DEFAULTDB
COPY public.
Easy way to pass async data as a function's input
Pass async data (like observable) as an input of a function.
<input #id [value]='(data$ | async)
My Experience with NgRx state manager on Ionic
In this article I will talk of my experience with NgRX, a reactive extension for
Angular to manage state.
Static website on AWS S3 bucket (SSL secure)
Set up a static website using an S3 bucket (Amazon Web Services) as a root
SSL certificate provided
Set up docker Wordpress behind docker NGINX with SSL
Working solution to run Wordpress using official Docker image.
A step by step guide.
Integrate Dialogflow chatbot on Ionic app
Two ways to integrate a Dialogflow chatbot in your Ionic Angular App.
Working example on
Workaround for cordova_not_available
Development Environment
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
Ionic info:
While developing in Ionic3 with native plugins is gold using
Face Recognition Raspberry + AWS | Proof Of Concept
Proof Of Concept of how a camera can track people using face recognition of
Amazon Web Services.
A mix of
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Milan Summit 2018/03/27
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Milan Summit 2018/03/27