[linux] Scrape entire website with a single line command
I've tried many online tools in order to scrape an entire website but none of
them allow me
YesPesca | a new open source project
First of all i love fishing ?.
Two days ago, in an old HDD, i found an sql dump from
Use apt behind proxy server on Ubuntu 18.04
How to Set the Proxy for APT on Ubuntu 18.04
NVM (curl) behind corporate proxy server
Considering that NVM use curl, the problem is the same executing curl behind a
corporate proxy server.
curl proxy
Netdata | what a FREE tool! [DEMO]
Monitor your containers with netdata
Fix "Attribute meta-data#android.support is also present.." on Ionic camera preview plugin
Attribute meta-data#android.support.VERSION@value value=(26.1.0) from
[com.android.support:support-v4:26.1.0] AndroidManifest.
[SOLVED] ERROR: Error response from daemon: Get https://myregistry:5000: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
This is a solution for both: Linux and Windows.
You maybe came across this error pushing or pulling to/from
Develop a chatroom using Ionic3, socket.io and Nodejs
Socket.io is a Javascript library that enables real-time, bidirectional and
event-based communication.
Sometimes we hear that socket.
Solve "The image you uploaded was larger than the maximum file size your server allows" on NGINX+Ghost
Simply add
client_max_body_size 5M;
(replace 5M with your needs) on nginx.conf
listen 80;
Use ncftpput instead of ftp for recursive uploads
I came across this problem when i had the need to transfer a Wordpress site from
a server to