[k8s] Finally a volume access mode that makes sense: ReadWriteOncePod
ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany access modes don't make much sense IMO, new ReadWriteOncePod does
[FinOps] Intra Kubernetes cluster cost visibility
Who pays for shared resources? This is a gold question in every shared/multi-tenancy Kubernetes cluster..
Today I'll report a couple of crispy tools to deal with that.
Kubernetes free playground with kodekloud
easy proof of concept, presentation, education, hobby.. whatever the need is, you can use kodekloud's public playground to run for free a specific Kubernetes version.
Resize memory/cpu limit without restarting the pod (in-place resizing) in Kubernetes
Pod resource resizing is a work for professional craftsmen.
Under estimation / overbooking are big enemies out there. Do you know that you can increase a pod resource without any container(s) restarts needed?
Thanks for all Kubernetes Ingress API, Long life to Gateway API
Ingress API has been frozen.
Yes, you heard well, our lovely Ingress API was officially frozen by Kubernetes itself during October 2023.
Easy move container images between registries with single command
How many "docker tag .." have you done in your whole life?! (Don't lie)
Crane allows you to easily move an image directly from the source to the destination in a single command way. That's great!
(AWS) mTLS finally available on Application Load Balancer
Until 26 of November 2023, the main way to have a managed mTLS solution on AWS was through API Gateway service.
... but a new feature is out there.. ALB is now supporting mTLS too!
Compare helm chart versions on ArtifactHUB
Helm charts, helm charts everywhere!
And what about changelog of helm charts?!?
Unfortunately this is NOT an old nightmare :D but comparing different versions on artifacthub could make the nightmare less scary...
How to read logs from Kubernetes worker nodes using kubectl
"I run k8s on a cloud provider so I don't care about worker nodes' logs and I'm so happy of that"
Some days later..
Writing on google "How to access k8s worker node's logs in a SaaS solution ..."
Flipper Zero meets restaurants' pager systems (DDoS attack)
How to use Flipper Zero to better understand what's behind restaurants' pager systems